PCCA Journal|2
Quarter 2013
was hit, and they immediately landed, refueled, and
headed back to Washington, D.C. Ashcroft told the
people on his plane, “The world will never be the
same.” He said that the terrorists sought to “take the
heart out of America,” but the exact opposite hap-
pened because, while Americans may seem hopelessly
divided, “we are united at the core.” And that was
never more evident than in our unified response fol-
lowing 9/11.
PCCA Past President Herb Fluharty hosted the as-
sociation’s 41st Annual Prayer Breakfast and, along
with Executive Vice President Tim Wagner, honored
Winston Weaver, Jr., of Rockingham Construction,
Harrisonburg, Va., for decades of dedication to PCCA
and the Prayer Breakfast. The breakfast also featured
Grammy Award-winning record producer Ken Man-
sfield, who shared the story of his long and winding
road through the music industry and his salvation
through religion.
During the convention, PCCA thanked outgoing President
Muse for overseeing one of the most successful years in asso-
ciation history, as well as two outstanding meetings. Associa-
tion members also welcomed new President Glen Amerine, of
Amerine Utilities Construction, Great Bend, Kans., and three
new Board members: Don Stephens, Tjader & Highstrom,
New Richmond, Wis.; Chase Lapcinski, Push, Inc., Rice Lake,
Wis.; and Marty Ferguson, FS3, Inc., Annandale, Minn.
PCCA’s Leadership Development Committee (formerly the
Young Construction Professionals), chaired by Heath Sellen-
riek, Sellenriek Construction, Jonesburg, Mo.,
met prior to the convention to map the next
steps for developing the next tier of industry
leaders. (See “Final Word” on page 58 for more
information.) During the convention, FMI’s
Andy Patron led a YCP session on negotiat-
ing skills and conflict resolution. Participants
discussed why conflict in the construction
industry is predictable and that negotiating
is a process, not an event. They explored the
differences between competitive and coopera-
tive negotiations and the challenges inherent in
both types.
For the 13th Annual PCCA Associates Ex-
hibit & Breakfast, members met in the hotel’s
fabulous Everglades Room, overlooking the
Gulf of Mexico. Contractors spent their morn-
ing perusing the exhibits, asking questions of
their manufacturer and supplier colleagues,
and discussing jobsite challenges.
As always, the PCCA Auction was a raucous event man-
aged brilliantly by Michael Whitebread and Charles Cook
of J.J. Kane Auctioneers. The auction raises funds for PCCA
programs and services, and the association thanks all those
who donated items, bid on items, and otherwise contributed
to the good times had by all.
PCCA members also enjoyed many fun times in Naples,
knocking golf balls around, exploring the Everglades and
the Gulf coast, and enjoying the company of colleagues who
share many of the same challenges and concerns in their
businesses. PCCA’s next event is the 2013 Mid-Year Meeting,
July 10-13 at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colo.
2013 PCCA Convention
Continued from page 19
PCCA’s new first couple: President Glen Amerine and his wife, Pat
Past President Kevin Mason and Board member Heath Sellenriek get
a kick out of the interactive exercise during the negotiating session.
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