Page 20 - PCCA Journal 2nd Quarter 2012

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PCCA Journal|2
Quarter 2012
Ted Garrison leads a session on reducing
risk and increasing profitability.
From left, WinstonWeaver, Don Stephens, Marty Ferguson, and Dave Pampush closely follow
the discussion on fiber availability (or lack thereof ) during the Construction Industry Roundtable.
PCCA’s Association of Communication Engineers rep Tom Harter provides
Roundtable participants with his take RUS infrastructure programs and
proposed changes to the Universal Service Fund.
Always the convention’s most crowded event, the Roundtable’s
new two-tier setup put participants closer together, helped
everyone hear better, and kept the discussions flowing freely.
Rancher Mary Sue Koontz charmed
the Spouse Brunch audience with funny
and colorful stories about growing up
on a ranch and succeeding in a male-
dominated business. Her speech was well
received by the PCCA crowd, including
Jenna Schmidt (left) and Carrie Anderson.