Page 19 - PCCA Journal 2nd Quarter 2012

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PCCA Journal|2
Quarter 2012
Steve Spears gets in a quick bid during the Silent Auction,
while Melissa and Jack Graves ponder their next move.
That’s not Billy the Kid with his latest bank loot; it’s auctioneer Michael Whitebread checking
with TimWagner to see if we’re really giving away all this cash in the heads-or-tails game.
Pam and Tim Pribyl were
among the most active bidders
and biggest supporters of PCCA.
Big smiles from Nick and Carrie Anderson as they peruse the auction catalogue.
Dana and Barrett Mills are
delighted to be the winning bidders
on the ElectriCom golf weekend.
And yes, with all that cash on the line, Samantha Howard, Troy Gipson,
Pam Durin, Kaeden Amerine, and Kelly Pribyl decide between heads or tails.
In the end, Tyler Myers (below right) took home the big payday, but not
before peeling off five crisp $100 bills and donating them back to PCCA.
Annual Auction & Reception