Page 17 - PCCA Journal 2nd Quarter 2012

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PCCA Journal|2
Quarter 2012
WinstonWeaver welcomes members
to the Annual PCCA Prayer Breakfast. This
joyous and unique event owes much to
Winston’s thorough planning and genial
hosting every year.
Prayer Breakfast speaker River Jordan said
a prayer for a total stranger every day for a
year, and if a person didn’t want her prayer,
“I hit them with a pocket taser.”Besides that
and some other good jokes, the experience
changed her profoundly. “Instead of
discovering that the world needed me, what I
discovered was that I needed the world.”
All of PCCA’s photos from the 2012 convention
are available on the members-only section of If you need help accessing
this section, contact Mackenzie Fluharty at
(703) 212-7734 or