PCCA Journal|1
Quarter 2013
Twelve Essential Roles for CFOs
The CFO is often the last line of defense in avoiding crippling errors and omissions and is the
driving force for positive changes to enhance productivity
By Lee Ackerman and Ken Roper
Continued on page 14
he economy is driving all contractors toward
highly sophisticated financial management
to survive and succeed in the construction
industry. The competitiveness in the industry
is forcing decisions that border on financial
insanity. Does your organization excel at
financial management? Is your CFO
providing economic guidance for
your organization? What are
crucial roles for CFOs in the
construction industry?
Now more than
ever, CFOs possess
extensive financial
skills and capabili-
ties beneficial to
the construction
industry. Effec-
tively implement-
ing the right roles,
combined with
exceptional performance, helps contractors create a competi-
tive advantage. CFOs are smart, hard-working, and dedicated
managers who have many attributes that may be lever-
aged through training and development. These leaders and
managers set standards, provide credibility to outside parties,
and interface with owners and managers with
respect to the operational aspects of the
business. The key roles a CFO can
play increase asset values and
mitigate liabilities, adding
significant value to any
contractor. How can
your firm capitalize on
your CFO? This article
presents 12 essen-
tial roles and best
practices to leverage
your CFO’s value in
your organization.
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