Page 22 - PCCA Journal 2nd Quarter 2012

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PCCA Journal|2
Quarter 2012
At the YCP sessions, participants learn from
each other as well as from the speakers. Here,
Dan Levac works with (from left) Billy Vincent,
Bruce Tucker, Jerrod Henschel, and Tony Gann.
Reese Howard, Jeremy Smith, and
Bruce Tucker during the YCP session.
At the Associates Meeting, Dana
Scudder weighs in on how to make the
exhibit more beneficial for all involved.
Steve Sellenriek and Kevin Mason
scrutinize the financials during the
Board of Directors meeting.
Shown here in the calm before this year’s Opening Session, Tommy Muse and his
wife, Brenda, are already planning the 2012 Mid-Year Meeting, September 19-22 in
Savannah, Ga., and the 2013 PCCA Convention, March 1-6 in Naples, Fla.
An old hand at trenching,
plowing, and drilling, Chase Lapcinski
shows that he can also build a house
of cards during a YCP exercise.
Glen Amerine (center) tackles a
problem with Tara and Jeremy Michaels
(with Dan Stephens, too, but you can see
only the top of his head) during the Young
Construction Professionals session.
At the Past Presidents Lunch, front row (from left): Gene Klaasmeyer,
Herb Fluharty, and Ron Tagliapietra. Back row: Kevin Mason, Gary Akin,
Steve Spears, Tommy Muse, WinstonWeaver, and Greg Johnson.