Page 45 - PCCAJournal4thQuarter2011

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Digital Control
volving from 20 years of HDD locating experience,
the DigiTrak F5 Directional Drilling Locating Sys-
tem incorporates and improves on DCI’s Eclipse
locating technology. The F5 system incorporates
DCI’s patented 3D antenna technology, target-in-the-box
locating, and intuitive picture-driven menus, with new color-
ful and easy-to-use graphics. A four-way toggle switch below
the display makes operation simple. The increased versatility
of the F5 system includes five unique frequency options to
overcome most interference problems and to locate to 85-feet
The F5 system also can be used for data logging with the
DigiTrak LW System. Built-in Bluetooth technology transfers
the data from the F5 receiver to a PC, where a variety of
options are available for analyzing, displaying, printing, and
storing data. While drilling, the F5 system allows operators
to scroll through all data logged by the F5 receiver, not just
the real-time data. Users see fluid pressure in real time when
drilling pilot bores.
The F5 system recently added the TensiTrak (TT5) Pullback
and Pressure
System. In
addition to
ture, battery
status, depth,
and position
the system
monitors and
saves many
types of data.
Real-time prod-
uct full force is
displayed at
the receiver and at the drill, as is real-time downhole mud
pressure. Maximum pull force is monitored and saved on the
F5 receiver and the TensiTrak unit.
Continued on page 46