Page 17 - PCCAJournal4thQuarter2011

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PCCA Journal|4
Quarter 2011
By Kelley Chisholm
Good managers do not hover over their employees. They involve
their people in the decision-making process by teaching them
how to make good decisions for the organization.
ave you ever worked for someone who con-
trolled everything you did, day in and day
out, telling you what to do, how to do it,
and when to do it? This boss was constantly
checking in, making suggestions, and hover-
ing above, even though you did not ask for nor need any help
or support. These micromanagers can be referred to as “he-
licopter bosses,” a term coined from its counterpart phrase
“helicopter parents.”
According to Wikipedia, “Helicopter parent is a colloquial,
early 21st-century term for a parent who pays extremely close
attention to his or her child’s or children’s experiences and
problems.” Helicopter parents often have very good inten-
tions, but they have to control every aspect of their children’s
lives to prevent them from failing. These parents hover over
their kids, planning and monitoring their every move, with-
out letting them
figure out solu-
tions to their problems
on their own. Helicopter bosses treat their employees
like these parents treat their children. These managers hover
over their employees and make all of the decisions. Employ-
ees are not allowed to take risks or solve problems on their
own. What this accomplishes is that employees are prevented
from learning, developing, and growing.
You are probably a helicopter boss if:
You do not trust others to perform work on their own.
You refuse to delegate anything because no one can do it
as well or as fast as you can.
You are constantly checking in and hovering over your di-
rect reports, even when they have not asked for your help.
You are burned out and lack work/life balance.
Continued on page 18
Are You a
Helicopter Boss?