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Immediately above, (from left) Rob Pribyl, Todd Garifo, and John Audi. Above left (middle of three), Dan Urban with Georgi and Brad Pelsue. Above center, Mark and Karen Swanson. Above right, the entire Mason clan: Charles, Quinn, Kevin, Debbie, Kristen, Shirley, and Bradley.

Overlooking the impressive Ocean Reef Club marina, the President’s Reception featured fantastic weather, delicious food, and excellent opportunities to meet new folks and catch up with old friends. Top left, Bonnie Tagliapietra chats up writer and humorist Dave Barry, the evening’s keynote speaker.

Below left, Dave Barry not only left the crowd in stitches, he also hung out with PCCA members before the Opening Session and then took time afterward to meet and chat with his fans. Here, he spends time with Evelyn, Drew, and Abigail Johnson. Below right, Caleb, Chloe, and Dave Pierce enjoy the show.

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