Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.11-b1-95-g6a8b81e (webtiles) character file. 41872669 Sapher the Demonologist (level 27, 205/205 (206) HPs) Began as a Mummy Summoner on Sept 4, 2012. Was the Champion of Sif Muna. Escaped with the Orb ... and 15 runes on Sept 6, 2012! The game lasted 17:03:14 (34583 turns). Sapher the Demonologist (Mummy Summoner) Turns: 34583, Time: 17:03:14 HP 205/205 (206) AC 11 Str 9 XL: 27 MP 44/44 EV 11 Int 26 God: Sif Muna [******] Gold 775 SH 0 Dex 7 (12) Spells: 11 memorised, 3 levels left Res.Fire : + + + See Invis. : + b - staff of summoning Res.Cold : + + + Warding : + k - +3 leather armour "Poirid" {SInv} Life Prot.: + + + Conserve : . (no shield) Res.Poison: + Res.Corr. : . (no helmet) Res.Elec. : + Clarity : + G - +1 cloak of the Hidden Beggars {rPois rC+} Sust.Abil.: . . Spirit.Shd : . p - +0 pair of gloves of Midsummer {rF++ Str-2 Res.Mut. : . Stasis : . W - +1 pair of elf boots {Lev} Res.Rott. : + Ctrl.Telep.: x r - amulet "Grei" {Clar rC+} Saprovore : . . . Levitation : . u - ring "Teijoum" {Wiz rElec} Ctrl.Flight: . H - ring of Beauty {Wiz rF++ Int+3} @: extremely resistant to hostile enchantments, very unstealthy A: no food or potions, fire vulnerability, strongly in touch with death, restore body, cold resistance 1, life protection 3, poison resistance, torment resistance, unbreathing a: Self-Restoration, Channel Energy, Forget Spell, Renounce Religion, Evoke Levitation }: 15/15 runes: barnacled, slimy, silver, golden, iron, obsidian, icy, bone, abyssal, demonic, glowing, magical, fiery, dark, gossamer You escaped. You worshipped Sif Muna. Sif Muna was exalted by your worship. You were not hungry. You visited 15 branches of the dungeon, and saw 100 of its levels. You visited Pandemonium 1 time, and saw 33 of its levels. You visited the Abyss 1 time. You collected 1167 gold pieces. You spent 412 gold pieces at shops. Inventory: Hand weapons q - the +4,+5 glaive "Demonslayer" {slay orc, rF+} (You found it on level 11 of the Dungeon) It is especially effective against all of orcish descent. It protects you from fire. Armour k - the +3 leather armour "Poirid" (worn) {SInv} (You found it on level 4 of the Dungeon) It enhances your eyesight. p - the +0 pair of gloves of Midsummer (worn) {rF++ Str-2} (You bought it in a shop on level 12 of the Dungeon) It affects your strength (-2). It greatly protects you from fire. G - the +1 cloak of the Hidden Beggars (worn) {rPois rC+} (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults) It protects you from cold. It protects you from poison. W - a +1 pair of elven boots of levitation (worn) Magical devices d - a wand of heal wounds (5) h - a wand of fireball (4) j - a wand of hasting (1) v - a wand of digging (0) A - a wand of heal wounds (0) N - a wand of hasting (0) R - a wand of teleportation (1) Scrolls s - a scroll of remove curse M - a scroll of acquirement Jewellery f - an uncursed ring of protection from cold i - an uncursed amulet of conservation l - an uncursed ring of sustain abilities r - the amulet "Grei" (around neck) {Clar rC+} (You found it on level 1 of the Shoals) [amulet of clarity] It protects you from cold. u - the ring "Teijoum" (right hand) {Wiz rElec} (You found it on level 7 of Gehenna) [ring of wizardry] It insulates you from electricity. y - the ring of Xishrun {Hunger Str+3 Dex+5} (You took it off an orc wizard on level 8 of the Vaults) [ring of hunger] It affects your strength (+3). It affects your dexterity (+5). C - the ring "Threshregu" {Dex+3 Dam+5} (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime) [ring of dexterity] It affects your dexterity (+3). It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+5). E - the amulet of Cekugob {Ward -Tele Hunger rElec rPois rN+ AC+1 EV+1} (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime) [amulet of warding] It affects your AC (+1). It affects your evasion (+1). It insulates you from electricity. It protects you from poison. It protects you from negative energy. It prevents most forms of teleportation. It speeds your metabolism. H - the ring of Beauty (left hand) {Wiz rF++ Int+3} (You found it in Pandemonium) [ring of wizardry] It affects your intelligence (+3). It greatly protects you from fire. I - an uncursed ring of invisibility J - an uncursed ring of sustain abilities K - an uncursed ring of levitation L - an uncursed ring of protection from fire Q - an uncursed ring of protection from fire X - an uncursed ring of fire Z - an uncursed amulet of resist corrosion Books a - Geuj's Handbook of Air {god gift, } (Sif Muna gifted it to you in Pandemonium) Spells Type Level Mephitic Cloud Conjuration/Poison/Air 3 Static Discharge Conjuration/Air 3 Airstrike Air 4 Insulation Charms/Air 4 Deflect Missiles Charms/Air 6 c - Sif Muna's Volume of Buffs {god gift, } (Sif Muna gifted it to you in Pandemonium) Spells Type Level Fire Brand Charms/Fire 2 Lethal Infusion Charms/Necromancy 2 *Control Teleport Charms/Translocation 4 Warp Weapon Charms/Translocation 5 Ring of Flames Charms/Fire 7 e - Sif Muna's Tome of the Escort {god gift, } (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 11 of the Dungeon) Spells Type Level Summon Butterflies Summoning 1 Call Imp Summoning 2 Shadow Creatures Summoning 5 Summon Demon Summoning 5 Haunt Necromancy/Summoning 7 m - Sif Muna's Disquisition on Icy Aid {god gift, } (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 5 of Tartarus) Spells Type Level Freezing Aura Charms/Ice 2 Shroud of Golubria Charms/Translocation 2 Ensorcelled Hibernation Hexes/Ice 2 Flight Charms/Air 3 Summon Ice Beast Ice/Summoning 4 *Haste Charms 6 o - Smaulior's Papyrus of Helpful Enchantment {god gift, } (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 2 of the Iron City of Dis) Spells Type Level Ensorcelled Hibernation Hexes/Ice 2 Slow Hexes 2 See Invisible Charms 4 *Haste Charms 6 Invisibility Hexes 6 B - a book of the Dragon Spells Type Level Flight Charms/Air 3 Cause Fear Hexes 4 Bolt of Fire Conjuration/Fire 6 Dragon Form Fire/Transmutation 7 *Summon Dragon Summoning 9 F - Sif Muna's Guide on the Voyage {god gift, } (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 8 of the Vaults) Spells Type Level *Apportation Translocation 1 Shroud of Golubria Charms/Translocation 2 Passage of Golubria Translocation 4 Dispersal Translocation 6 *Controlled Blink Translocation 7 O - Sif Muna's Incunabulum of Scorching Enchantment {god gift, } (Sif Muna gifted it to you in Pandemonium) Spells Type Level Corona Hexes 1 Evaporate Fire/Transmutation 2 Confuse Hexes 3 Inner Flame Hexes/Fire 3 Cause Fear Hexes 4 Darkness Hexes 7 S - Sif Muna's Handbook of Excruciating Air {god gift, } (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 6 of the Vaults) Spells Type Level Shock Conjuration/Air 1 Repel Missiles Charms/Air 2 Static Discharge Conjuration/Air 3 Mephitic Cloud Conjuration/Poison/Air 3 U - Sif Muna's Incunabulum of Translocation {god gift, } (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 7 of the Vaults) Spells Type Level *Apportation Translocation 1 Teleport Other Translocation 3 Passage of Golubria Translocation 4 *Phase Shift Translocation 5 V - a book of Air Spells Type Level Shock Conjuration/Air 1 *Swiftness Charms/Air 2 Repel Missiles Charms/Air 2 Flight Charms/Air 3 Static Discharge Conjuration/Air 3 Lightning Bolt Conjuration/Air 5 Y - a book of Stalking {god gift} Spells Type Level Fulsome Distillation Transmutation/Necromancy 1 Evaporate Fire/Transmutation 2 Passwall Transmutation/Earth 3 Petrify Transmutation/Earth 4 *Dig Transmutation/Earth 4 Magical staves b - an uncursed staff of summoning (weapon) x - an uncursed staff of air Orbs of Power t - the Orb of Zot Miscellaneous D - the horn of Geryon Skills: - Level 14.9 Fighting - Level 2.4 Armour - Level 3.1 Dodging - Level 1.5 Stealth - Level 3.0 Traps & Doors - Level 16.2 Spellcasting - Level 10.0 Charms - Level 24.8 Summonings - Level 15.4 Translocations + Level 17.5 Invocations You had 3 spell levels left. You knew the following spells: Your Spells Type Power Failure Level Hunger a - Summon Dragon Summ #########. 4% 9 N/A b - Mass Abjuration Summ #########. 1% 6 N/A c - Recall Summ/Tloc N/A 0% 3 N/A d - Phase Shift Tloc ########.. 1% 5 N/A e - Controlled Blink Tloc N/A 1% 7 N/A f - Summon Horrible Thin Summ #########. 1% 8 N/A g - Control Teleport Chrm/Tloc #######... 1% 4 N/A h - Haste Chrm #######.. 2% 6 N/A i - Swiftness Chrm/Air ######.... 1% 2 N/A j - Dig Trmt/Erth ####..... 8% 4 N/A x - Apportation Tloc ########.. 0% 1 N/A Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (27/27) Temple (1/1) D:6 Orc (0/4) D:8 Lair (8/8) D:9 Shoals (5/5) Lair:3 Spider (5/5) Lair:4 Slime (6/6) Lair:8 Vaults (8/8) D:14 Blade (0/1) Vaults:5 Crypt (3/5) Vaults:2 Tomb (3/3) Crypt:3 Dis (7/7) Hell Geh (7/7) Hell Coc (7/7) Hell Tar (7/7) Hell Zot (5/5) D:27 Altars: Ashenzari Elyvilon Fedhas Kikubaaqudgha Nemelex Xobeh Sif Muna Trog Xom the Shining One Jiyva Shops: D:12: [ D:19: [ Shoals:5: / Vaults:1: / Vaults:8: ?!? Abyss: (((((((((( Portals: Dungeon: Abyss**** Hell: D:24 D:25 Abyss: D:25 Pandemonium: D:24 Trove: D:13 (give 2 potions of cure mutation) Annotations D:7 Dowan D:12 labyrinthlord's ghost, powerful DDEE Coc:7 Antaeus Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You do not eat or drink. Your flesh is vulnerable to fire. You are strongly in touch with the powers of death. You can restore your body by infusing magical energy. Your flesh is cold resistant. You are immune to negative energy. Your system is resistant to poisons. You are immune to unholy pain and torment. You can survive without breathing. Message History Aiming: Dig Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line The rock liquefies and sinks out of sight. There is a stone staircase leading up here. Use which ability? (? or * to list) You channel some magical energy. You climb upwards. You sense a powerful magical force warping space. There is a stone staircase leading down here. Casting: Dig Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit) Zapping: v - a wand of digging (1) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line The rock liquefies and sinks out of sight. This wand has 0 charges left. There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here. Are you sure you want to win? You have escaped! #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# ########.# ##........# ####...#####># #.<#...#@D#.D# #.##...##D.#.# #.........##.# ####.#.#.###.# #<#.#..<# ... #...#...# ... ######### .... .... . You could see friendly 2 quicksilver dragons. Vanquished Creatures Erica (D:10) An anaconda skeleton (Geh:7) An unseen horror (D:8) A hill giant (D:11) 5 large abominations (Coc:7) A cyclops (D:13) A spiny frog (Lair:1) A troll (D:10) A jumping spider (Vaults:4) 3 yaks (D:9) 2 vampire mosquitoes (D:12) A sky beast (D:11) A centaur (D:6) A boring beetle (D:8) A shadow (D:8) A scorpion (D:5) A sheep (D:9) 3 adders A giant centipede (Lair:6) A white imp (Lair:8) 2 gnolls (D:9) A giant mite (D:5) A green rat (Lair:2) A giant gecko (D:4) An orc (D:2) A bat (D:3) 3 kobolds 2 quokkas A hobgoblin skeleton (D:8) 5 jackals An orc skeleton (D:8) A rat (D:4) 5 toadstools 54 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills) Asmodeus (Geh:7) Cerebov (Pan) Gloorx Vloq (Pan) Mnoleg (Pan) the royal jelly (Slime:6) Ereshkigal (Tar:7) Dispater (Dis:7) Lom Lobon (Pan) 2 orbs of fire (Zot:5) the Serpent of Hell (Tar:7) 27 greater mummies 7 ancient liches Saint Roka (Shoals:3) Boris (Vaults:8) 4 pandemonium lords (Pan) Norris (Shoals:2) 3 Killer Klowns Mennas (Tomb:1) Geryon (Hell) 7 golden dragons 3 electric golems A pearl dragon (Pan) 15 Brimstone Fiends 7 tentacled monstrosities 9 Hell Sentinels 8 liches 20 Orb Guardians (Zot:5) A titan (Vaults:8) The ghost of blankname the Sorcerer, a mighty DEFE of Vehumet (Vaults:3) 11 shadow dragons 15 acid blobs 9 storm dragons Kirke (D:19) 2 quicksilver dragons (Dis:7) A kraken (Shoals:5) 2 eldritch tentacles 17 Ice Fiends 6 sphinxes Agnes (Tomb:1) 2 daevas (Pan) Roxanne (Vaults:2) 2 draconian monks (Zot:3) 3 draconian knights 9 Shadow Fiends 7 ghouls 7 iron dragons 6 frost giants 10 bone dragons 2 draconian scorchers (Zot:3) A draconian zealot (Zot:3) 14 Executioners 2 ghost moths 15 balrugs 26 stone giants 4 angels (Pan) A draconian annihilator (Zot:4) 7 fire giants 6 azure jellies (Slime:6) 5 draconian shifters 10 apis (Pan) 6 cacodemons (Pan) 3 ophanim (Pan) 3 emperor scorpions (Spider:5) 3 grey draconians 2 green draconians A mottled draconian (Zot:4) 5 shedu (Pan) 5 pale draconians 3 purple draconians 3 red draconians 6 phoenixes (Pan) 6 black draconians 3 white draconians 11 green deaths 2 yellow draconians 40 reapers 6 blizzard demons 23 vault guards (Vaults:8) 8 ettins A storm dragon zombie (Abyss) 4 dragons A great orb of eyes (shapeshifter) (Vaults:8) 7 death cobs 22 yaktaur captains 4 sirens 20 mummy priests An eidolon (Abyss) A hydra (shapeshifter) (Vaults:8) 4 merfolk aquamancers (Shoals:5) 3 ogre magi 3 great orbs of eyes A storm dragon skeleton (Vaults:6) An anaconda zombie (Crypt:3) 7 hydras Fannar (D:13) 12 death oozes 5 ice dragons A ravenous item mimic (Vaults:8) 2 golden dragon zombies Polyphemus (Shoals:2) An alligator snapping turtle (Shoals:5) 3 shadow dragon zombies A golden dragon skeleton (Tomb:1) 5 lorocyprocas A draconian (shapeshifter) (Vaults:6) 4 merfolk impalers (Shoals:5) 2 anaconda skeletons A stone giant zombie (Vaults:5) 2 shadow dragon skeletons (Tar:7) 6 iron dragon zombies A spriggan druid (D:20) 6 rakshasas A fire giant zombie (Vaults:6) 30 sun demons A hell hog zombie (Dis:4) 9 death yaks A frost giant zombie (Abyss) 2 iron dragon skeletons 26 deep trolls 7 very ugly things Urug (D:11) An orc high priest (Vaults:8) 30 soul eaters 7 iron golems (Dis:4) 5 stone giant skeletons A catoblepas (Lair:8) A frost giant skeleton (Abyss) A catoblepas (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5) 9 centaur warriors 5 paladins (Pan) 2 fire giant skeletons (Vaults:7) 15 hell hogs 7 shadow wraiths 76 skeletal warriors 9 iron trolls A death drake (shapeshifter) (D:26) 9 flayed ghosts An emperor scorpion zombie (Abyss) An elf (shapeshifter) (Vaults:8) 2 dire elephant skeletons A yellow draconian zombie (Dis:1) 7 orc knights 2 white draconian zombies An elephant slug zombie (Geh:7) A cherub (Pan) A death yak zombie (Abyss) 16 shadow demons 4 giant orange brains 5 sea snakes 54 large abominations 4 unseen horrors A redback zombie (Abyss) 5 harpies (Shoals:2) An alligator snapping turtle skeleton (Abyss) 7 wizards (Pan) 18 ice devils 2 flaming corpses (Abyss) A green draconian skeleton (Abyss) A black draconian skeleton (Abyss) 2 purple draconian skeletons 8 hill giants 12 wolf spiders 2 grey draconian skeletons 2 yellow draconian skeletons A harpy zombie (Geh:3) 2 orc sorcerers A crystal golem (D:24) A mottled draconian skeleton (Pan) A red draconian skeleton (Abyss) 4 death drake zombies An iron troll skeleton (Abyss) A minotaur zombie (Abyss) 8 giant amoebae 4 shining eyes The ghost of wwf the Transmogrifier, an experienced FeTm (D:10) A shadow dragon simulacrum (Abyss) 3 spiny worms 3 griffons 5 necromancers 6 red wasps (Spider:5) 3 guardian serpents (Abyss) 15 hellions A jumping spider zombie (Coc:6) A minotaur skeleton (Crypt:3) 2 harpy skeletons 3 guardian serpent zombies 2 shining eyes (shapeshifter) A siren skeleton (Abyss) 9 phantasmal warriors 12 moths of wrath A spiny worm (shapeshifter) (Vaults:8) 5 death drake skeletons 2 trapdoor spider zombies 2 ettin zombies A hydra skeleton (Abyss) 3 catoblepas skeletons An elephant slug (Lair:8) 8 ice dragon zombies 6 hell beasts 47 slime creatures A spiny worm zombie (Abyss) 23 sixfirhies 2 eyes of devastation 4 spiny frogs 2 black mambas 12 elephants 4 ettin skeletons 2 guardian serpent skeletons 2 griffon skeletons 13 yaktaurs 6 rock trolls 5 ice dragon skeletons 21 tormentors 3 hill giant zombies An elf skeleton (Abyss) 2 dragon skeletons A spriggan zombie (Tar:1) 47 hellwings 35 orange demons A feature mimic (Vaults:2) 6 mermaids 87 guardian mummies A redback simulacrum (Vaults:4) 58 ugly things 9 demonic crawlers 2 raven zombies 34 smoke demons 29 iron devils A rock troll zombie (D:14) 6 snapping turtles (Shoals:5) A troll (shapeshifter) (Vaults:8) 2 two-headed ogres A silent spectre (Tar:7) 2 raven skeletons A troll (Vaults:2) 8 komodo dragons A baby alligator zombie (Dis:1) 4 efreet 11 spriggans A deep troll skeleton (Crypt:3) A spiny frog zombie (Geh:7) 2 rock troll skeletons A brown ooze (shapeshifter) (D:19) 2 trapdoor spider simulacra 14 blink frogs 2 giant fireflies (D:20) 44 yaks 4 basilisks 5 grizzly bears (Lair:8) 3 tarantellas 16 wraiths A grizzly bear (shapeshifter) (Vaults:6) 2 merfolk zombies 15 brown oozes A snapping turtle skeleton (Geh:7) A spiny frog skeleton (Geh:1) 30 ynoxinuls 12 jumping spiders A giant firefly (shapeshifter) (D:25) 8 vampires A swamp dragon zombie (Abyss) A deep elf conjurer (Vaults:7) An octopode (shapeshifter) (D:21) 4 orb spiders An air elemental (Pan) 19 merfolk A shark (Shoals:3) A blink frog skeleton (Crypt:3) 11 blue devils 4 fire drakes A fire drake zombie (Geh:7) 9 hungry ghosts 9 chaos spawn 9 metal gargoyles (Dis:7) 3 hogs (D:19) A hog skeleton (Geh:5) A rock worm (Vaults:6) 10 vampire mosquitoes 4 fire crab zombies 22 redbacks A deep elf fighter (Vaults:7) 4 fire vortices (Pan) 5 molten gargoyles (Geh:7) 6 water elementals 9 hippogriffs A komodo dragon zombie (Crypt:3) 8 manticores 2 merfolk (shapeshifter) (Vaults:8) 2 mermaid zombies 10 golden eyes A manticore (shapeshifter) (Vaults:8) A steam dragon (D:5) 6 boulder beetles 9 war dogs A fire drake skeleton (Hell) 35 neqoxecs 4 sky beasts 5 trapdoor spiders (Spider:5) A cyclops zombie (D:16) 32 hell hounds 58 small abominations A manticore skeleton (Tomb:1) A yaktaur skeleton (Hell) 11 black bears 3 yellow wasps 21 necrophages 13 orc warriors 16 freezing wraiths 23 ogres 13 red devils 5 tengu (Shoals:1) 15 ice beasts 15 centaurs 6 giant goldfish zombies A swamp drake (Zot:1) 6 phantoms 10 giant goldfish A giant goldfish skeleton (Coc:6) A rock worm zombie (D:15) 17 rotting devils A yak skeleton (Geh:7) A spectral shark (Tar:7) 5 crocodiles 6 brain worms 2 lava worms (Geh:5) A giant slug (shapeshifter) (Vaults:8) 16 wolves 2 war dog skeletons 4 water moccasins 15 giant frogs A gnoll sergeant (D:9) 4 giant slugs A giant frog zombie (Hell) 2 agate snails (D:9) 2 octopode zombies 2 soldier ant zombies 2 wolf skeletons (Tar:4) 3 basilisk zombies A giant frog skeleton (Crypt:3) 3 eyes of draining A basilisk skeleton (Geh:7) A warg skeleton (Geh:5) 8 insubstantial wisps (Abyss) 79 wights A killer bee zombie (D:10) 6 lava fish A big kobold (D:13) 8 killer bees 2 fire bats (Abyss) 4 jellyfish 2 demigod zombies 5 electric eels 2 brain worm zombies 6 lava snakes (Geh:7) 14 quasits 2 goliath beetles A pulsating lump (Slime:6) A big kobold skeleton (D:7) 6 ogre zombies (D:8) 18 spiders 5 hounds 20 crimson imps A crocodile skeleton (Crypt:2) A dwarf skeleton (Geh:1) 59 iron imps 4 orc priests 27 shadows 3 scorpions 9 orc wizards 4 big fish 5 porcupines 12 orange rats 3 deep elf soldiers (Vaults:7) 6 orange rat zombies 5 worker ants 2 iguanas 3 worker ant zombies 3 orange rat skeletons (Hell) 2 big fish skeletons (Coc:6) 4 big fish zombies (Coc:6) 3 sheep A spectral big fish (Tar:7) Ijyb (D:2) Jessica (D:3) 16 jellies A goliath beetle zombie (D:5) 31 mummies 64 flying skulls 38 lemures 2 spectral electric eels (Tar:7) 4 gnolls 13 adders 73 green rats 3 iguana skeletons 6 giant centipedes 60 white imps 6 giant mites An inept item mimic (D:6) A porcupine skeleton (Geh:7) 23 shadow imps 100 ufetubi 2 grey rats A bat zombie (Tomb:3) 5 giant eyeballs A green rat zombie (Tar:6) 2 giant geckos A gnoll skeleton (Tomb:1) 2 green rat skeletons 4 oozes 47 orcs 2 ball pythons 5 giant cockroaches 7 hobgoblins 10 jackals 11 kobolds 6 quokkas A ball python zombie (Tar:7) 23 bats A giant cockroach zombie (Tar:1) 2 giant spores 4 goblins 4 goblin skeletons 6 goblin zombies 2 grey rat skeletons A grey rat zombie (Dis:4) 3 hobgoblin skeletons (D:8) 2 hobgoblin zombies (D:8) 3 kobold skeletons 3 orc skeletons 10 orc zombies A quokka skeleton (Geh:7) 19 rats A rat skeleton (Crypt:3) A rat zombie (Tar:4) 5 ballistomycetes 13 butterflies (Vaults:3) 12 fungi 18 plants 4 tentacles (Shoals:5) 8 toadstools 3426 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (others) 10 golden dragons A Hell Sentinel (Pan) A hellephant (Pan) 131 tentacled monstrosities 20 quicksilver dragons 6 shadow dragons 7 storm dragons 2 eldritch tentacles 3 iron dragons 11 dragons 26 ice dragons A storm dragon zombie (Zot:2) A deep troll (Vaults:6) A centaur warrior (Vaults:5) A skeletal warrior (Dis:7) A flayed ghost (Vaults:4) A redback zombie (Vaults:4) 1539 large abominations A hill giant (Vaults:4) 2 orc knights A green draconian skeleton (Zot:2) A hydra zombie (Lair:8) A hellion (Dis:7) A griffon (Vaults:4) A wolf spider (Vaults:6) A red wasp (Vaults:6) A moth of wrath (Zot:2) An ice dragon zombie (Vaults:6) 3 yaktaurs (Vaults:4) 2 black mambas A tormentor (Pan) A hill giant zombie (D:11) A spiny frog (Lair:2) 6 ugly things A komodo dragon (Lair:3) A troll (Vaults:6) A basilisk (Lair:2) A blink frog (Lair:8) 3 elephant zombies A metal gargoyle (Dis:7) 4 blink frog zombies A red wasp simulacrum (Vaults:5) A vampire mosquito (Vaults:3) 9 yaks 3 fire drakes A war dog (Lair:2) 2 wraiths 11 fire vortices A komodo dragon zombie (Lair:5) A spatial vortex (Abyss) A manticore (Vaults:2) A necrophage (Geh:7) A cyclops zombie (D:13) A grizzly bear zombie (Lair:8) A hippogriff zombie (D:10) 2 yak zombies (Lair:8) A boulder beetle zombie (Vaults:4) A troll zombie (D:10) An orc warrior (Vaults:8) A rotting devil (Geh:5) 3 centaurs (D:9) 2 giant goldfish zombies An ogre (Vaults:4) A war dog zombie (Lair:7) 5 crocodiles A warg (Vaults:8) 4 wolf zombies (Lair:8) 4 black bear zombies (Lair:8) A boring beetle zombie (Vaults:5) 2 centaur zombies 2 giant slugs 3 water moccasin zombies 4 giant frog zombies 6 giant frogs 8 water moccasins 2 yellow wasp zombies A yak simulacrum (D:14) A wight (Tar:7) 2 killer bee zombies (D:11) 2 ogre zombies 2 lava snakes (Geh:5) A brain worm zombie (D:8) 2 lava fish (Geh:5) A big kobold zombie (D:9) 3 hounds 47 quasits 219 crimson imps A hound zombie (D:10) A scorpion (Lair:2) 79 iron imps 6 iguanas 8 sheep (Lair:8) 5 porcupines 3 worker ants 2 big fish zombies (Lair:7) A jelly (D:9) 3 boggarts (Vaults:5) A goliath beetle zombie (D:10) A mummy (D:14) 2 adders 68 lemures 121 shadow imps An electric eel zombie (Lair:7) An iguana zombie (Lair:5) 3 giant centipedes 2 giant mites 13 green rats A porcupine zombie (Lair:7) 157 white imps 2 worms (Lair:1) A scorpion simulacrum (Vaults:5) 62 ufetubi A grey rat (Vaults:5) 3 bat zombies (Lair:3) A gnoll zombie (D:9) 8 green rat zombies 3 giant mite zombies 11 orcs A human (D:19) 4 jackals 6 quokkas 10 bats A giant cockroach (shapeshifter) (Vaults:8) A giant gecko zombie (D:3) A giant newt (Lair:2) A giant spore (D:8) A hobgoblin zombie (D:4) 4 jackal zombies 5 kobolds 13 orc zombies A quokka zombie (Lair:1) 12 rats 4 rat zombies A butterfly (Vaults:3) 166 eldritch tentacle segments 4 fungi 6 plants A tentacle (Shoals:5) 16 tentacle segments (Shoals:5) 199 toadstools 3201 creatures vanquished. Grand Total: 6681 creatures vanquished Notes Turn | Place | Note -------------------------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | Sapher, the Mummy Summoner, began the quest for the Orb. 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 13/13 MP: 3/3 191 | D:2 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 19/19 MP: 1/4 196 | D:2 | Learned a level 2 spell: Call Imp 277 | D:2 | Reached skill level 4 in Summonings 277 | D:2 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 24/24 MP: 2/5 291 | D:2 | Noticed Ijyb 378 | D:2 | Killed Ijyb 441 | D:3 | Found a shattered altar of Ashenzari. 658 | D:3 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 10/30 MP: 1/7 811 | D:3 | Noticed Jessica 822 | D:3 | Killed Jessica 1249 | D:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Summonings 1258 | D:4 | Got a steaming leather armour 1265 | D:4 | Identified the +3 leather armour "Poirid" (You found it on level 4 of the Dungeon) 1418 | D:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon 1423 | D:4 | Noticed an ogre 1445 | D:4 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 32/35 MP: 1/8 1563 | D:4 | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh. 2143 | D:5 | Noticed an ice beast 2232 | D:5 | Reached skill level 6 in Summonings 2241 | D:5 | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha. 2348 | D:5 | Reached XP level 6. HP: 29/41 MP: 5/9 2438 | D:5 | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas. 2607 | D:6 | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple. 2617 | Temple | Entered the Ecumenical Temple 2630 | Temple | Became a worshipper of Sif Muna the Loreminder 2740 | D:6 | Noticed a centaur 2759 | D:6 | Killed a centaur 2835 | D:7 | Noticed an orc warrior 2900 | D:7 | Noticed Dowan 3238 | D:8 | Reached skill level 7 in Summonings 3238 | D:8 | Reached XP level 7. HP: 35/46 MP: 1/10 3354 | D:8 | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines. 3354 | D:8 | Noticed a hill giant zombie 3354 | D:8 | Noticed an unseen horror 3359 | D:8 | Noticed a hungry ghost 3360 | D:8 | Killed an unseen horror 3360 | D:8 | Acquired Sif Muna's first power 3360 | D:8 | Reached skill level 8 in Summonings 3360 | D:8 | Reached XP level 8. HP: 41/52 MP: 0/12 3425 | D:8 | Killed a hungry ghost 3425 | D:8 | Acquired Sif Muna's second power 3437 | D:8 | Killed a hill giant zombie 3437 | D:8 | Reached skill level 1 in Invocations 3601 | D:8 | Noticed a hill giant zombie 3617 | D:8 | Killed a hill giant zombie 3617 | D:8 | Reached skill level 9 in Summonings 3654 | D:8 | Noticed a manticore 3686 | D:8 | Killed a manticore 3800 | D:9 | Reached XP level 9. HP: 57/57 MP: 11/16 3806 | D:10 | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon 3815 | D:10 | Noticed a hill giant 4038 | D:10 | Noticed Erica 4180 | D:10 | Killed a hill giant 4180 | D:10 | Reached skill level 10 in Summonings 4253 | D:10 | Noticed wwf's ghost (experienced FeTm) 4264 | D:10 | Killed Erica 4276 | D:10 | Killed wwf's ghost 4288 | D:10 | Reached skill level 11 in Summonings 4308 | D:11 | Found a frozen archway. 4308 | D:11 | Noticed a hill giant 4317 | D:10 | Noticed an unseen horror 4323 | D:10 | Acquired Sif Muna's third power 4337 | D:10 | Killed an unseen horror 4337 | D:10 | Reached XP level 10. HP: 63/63 MP: 5/18 4503 | D:11 | Killed a hill giant 4670 | D:12 | Found Schuxaux's Armour Boutique. 4690 | D:12 | Bought the cursed +0 pair of gloves of Midsummer {rF++ Str-2} for 169 gold pieces 4765 | D:12 | Noticed a hill giant 4778 | D:12 | Identified a +2 rod of striking (9/9) (You found it on level 12 of the Dungeon) 4787 | D:12 | Killed a hill giant 4857 | D:12 | Reached skill level 12 in Summonings 4912 | D:11 | Got a crude glaive 4941 | D:11 | Identified the cursed glaive "Demonslayer" {slay orc, rF+} (You found it on level 11 of the Dungeon) 5003 | D:12 | Noticed labyrinthlord's ghost (powerful DDEE) 5009 | D:11 | Noticed a hill giant 5022 | D:11 | Killed a hill giant 5053 | D:11 | Noticed Urug 5081 | D:11 | Killed Urug 5343 | D:13 | Noticed a cyclops 5370 | D:13 | Killed a cyclops 5370 | D:13 | Reached skill level 13 in Summonings 5394 | D:13 | Noticed Fannar 5599 | D:11 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 5600 | D:11 | Got a glistering book {god gift} 5601 | D:11 | Identified Sif Muna's Tome of the Escort {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 11 of the Dungeon) 5607 | D:11 | Learned a level 5 spell: Shadow Creatures 5636 | D:12 | Noticed a hill giant 5651 | D:12 | Killed a hill giant 5779 | D:9 | Found a staircase to the Lair. 5779 | D:9 | Noticed an elephant 5807 | D:9 | HP: 3/63 [spore (25)] 5809 | D:9 | Killed an elephant 5854 | D:9 | Reached XP level 11. HP: 14/68 MP: 19/19 6054 | Lair:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts 6153 | Lair:1 | Found a labyrinth entrance. 6582 | Lair:4 | Found a hole to the Spider Nest. 6625 | Lair:5 | Noticed an eight-headed hydra 6635 | Lair:5 | Killed an eight-headed hydra 6635 | Lair:5 | Reached skill level 14 in Summonings 6732 | Lair:4 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 6733 | Lair:4 | Got a blackened book {god gift} 6734 | Lair:4 | Identified Schachinu's Handbook of Creation {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 4 of the Lair of Beasts) 6955 | Lair:6 | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting 7025 | Lair:5 | Noticed a five-headed hydra 7046 | Lair:5 | Killed a five-headed hydra 7576 | Lair:7 | Noticed a death yak 7584 | Lair:7 | Noticed a death yak 7584 | Lair:7 | Noticed a death yak 7589 | Lair:7 | Noticed a death yak 7619 | Lair:7 | Killed a death yak 7626 | Lair:7 | Killed a death yak 7628 | Lair:7 | Killed a death yak 7632 | Lair:7 | Killed a death yak 7744 | Lair:7 | Tolias: yo 7745 | Lair:7 | Sapher: hi 7745 | Lair:7 | Sapher: aaaa 7759 | Lair:8 | Entered Level 8 of the Lair of Beasts 7761 | Lair:8 | Sapher: looking for all entrances 7792 | Lair:8 | Tolias: ugh, mummy apts 7792 | Lair:8 | Sapher: yea...apt plus summons(50% exp) 7796 | Lair:8 | Tolias: hehe 7806 | Lair:8 | Tolias: free channeling is fun though 7829 | Lair:8 | Sapher: no spells is fun also 7884 | Lair:8 | Reached skill level 15 in Summonings 7912 | Lair:8 | Sapher: i love mapping scrolls 7919 | Lair:8 | Tolias: if no spells just pump UC =p 7929 | Lair:8 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 7929 | Lair:8 | Reached XP level 12. HP: 54/74 MP: 23/25 7930 | Lair:8 | Got a conspicuous book {god gift} 7931 | Lair:8 | Identified Stanafeth's Compendium of the Entourage and Displacement {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 8 of the Lair of Beasts) 7935 | Lair:8 | Learned a level 3 spell: Recall 7935 | Lair:8 | Sapher: well, it is part of strategy actually 7935 | Lair:8 | Sapher: if no other magic scools is studied sif will gifts me summonings 7935 | Lair:8 | Sapher: and i need summon dragon) 7939 | Lair:8 | Tolias: yeah after summon dragon game just need three keys 7939 | Lair:8 | Sapher: not sure if i shoould study transloc... 7959 | Lair:8 | Tolias: I would 7965 | Lair:8 | Tolias: blink is always useful and control tele ring is not guaranteed 7971 | Lair:8 | Sapher: yea... 7993 | Lair:8 | Noticed a six-headed hydra 8001 | Lair:8 | Reached skill level 1 in Translocations 8025 | Lair:8 | Killed a six-headed hydra 8038 | Lair:8 | Sapher: need to find slime entrance... 8041 | Lair:8 | Noticed a catoblepas 8050 | Lair:8 | Killed a catoblepas 8126 | Lair:8 | Sapher: 6th floor has the highes chance for entrance to somewhere 8126 | Lair:8 | Sapher: need to use scroll there i guess 8199 | Lair:8 | Sapher: looks like slimes on 8th 8222 | Lair:8 | Tolias: zing! 8223 | Lair:8 | Sapher: yea...endgame is set 8227 | Lair:8 | Tolias: bolt of fire too, for some offence 8229 | Lair:8 | Learned a level 1 spell: Apportation 8232 | Lair:8 | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink 8232 | Lair:8 | Sapher: no)) 8232 | Lair:8 | Tolias: not going conjurations at all? 8232 | Lair:8 | Sapher: i am not going to studi conj 8250 | Lair:8 | Tolias: so what comes after dragons 8316 | Lair:8 | Sapher: fighting 8316 | Lair:8 | Sapher: dodging haste 8316 | Lair:8 | Sapher: smth like that 8560 | Lair:8 | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits. 8560 | Lair:8 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 8562 | Lair:8 | Sapher: ok 8830 | Lair:4 | Tolias: found slime? 8831 | Lair:4 | Sapher: yea 9038 | Lair:4 | Sapher: i hate when it happens 9050 | Lair:4 | Sapher: in the last corner of the map 9171 | Lair:3 | Noticed an eight-headed hydra 9197 | Lair:3 | Killed an eight-headed hydra 9197 | Lair:3 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 9200 | Lair:3 | Sapher: book of Conj...realy 9225 | Lair:3 | Found a staircase to the Shoals. 9255 | Lair:3 | Sapher: ok, found everything i need... 9255 | Lair:3 | Sapher: next is to find vaults entrace 9261 | Lair:2 | Noticed a four-headed hydra 9271 | Lair:2 | Killed a four-headed hydra 9299 | Lair:1 | Reached skill level 16 in Summonings 9427 | Lair:2 | Upgraded the game from 0.11-b1-93-ge7d6b6f to 0.11-b1-94-g6884582 9506 | Lair:1 | Learned a level 6 spell: Demonic Horde 9823 | D:13 | Killed Fannar 9829 | D:14 | Entered Level 14 of the Dungeon 9906 | D:14 | Found a staircase to the Vaults. 9926 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults 9926 | Vaults:1 | Noticed a centaur warrior 9934 | Vaults:1 | Killed a centaur warrior 9960 | Vaults:2 | Noticed a ghoul 9973 | Vaults:2 | Killed a ghoul 9998 | Vaults:2 | Identified a scroll of acquirement 10026 | Vaults:2 | Noticed Roxanne 10088 | Vaults:2 | Killed Roxanne 10088 | Vaults:2 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 10089 | Vaults:2 | Got an engraved book {god gift} 10090 | Vaults:2 | Identified Dahyjaoq's Tome of Companions {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 2 of the Vaults) 10097 | Vaults:2 | Learned a level 6 spell: Mass Abjuration 10133 | Vaults:3 | Noticed an ogre mage 10139 | Vaults:3 | Killed an ogre mage 10143 | Vaults:3 | Reached skill level 17 in Summonings 10146 | Vaults:3 | Reached XP level 13. HP: 70/79 MP: 26/28 10563 | Vaults:3 | Noticed blankname's ghost (mighty DEFE) 10795 | Vaults:5 | Found a staircase to the Hall of Blades. 10832 | Vaults:5 | Noticed a yaktaur captain 10850 | Vaults:5 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 10851 | Vaults:5 | Got a conspicuous book {god gift} 10852 | Vaults:5 | Identified Sif Muna's Guide on the Frostbite {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 5 of the Vaults) 10864 | Vaults:5 | Killed a yaktaur captain 10906 | Vaults:5 | Noticed a yaktaur captain 10920 | Vaults:5 | Killed a yaktaur captain 11042 | Vaults:5 | Noticed an ettin 11051 | Vaults:5 | Killed an ettin 11065 | Vaults:5 | Reached skill level 18 in Summonings 11323 | Vaults:6 | Noticed an ice dragon 11332 | Vaults:6 | Killed an ice dragon 11414 | Vaults:6 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 11415 | Vaults:6 | Got a conspicuous book {god gift} 11416 | Vaults:6 | Identified Sif Muna's Handbook of Excruciating Air {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 6 of the Vaults) 11438 | Vaults:6 | Learned a level 8 spell: Summon Horrible Things 11454 | Vaults:6 | Noticed a storm dragon skeleton 11462 | Vaults:6 | Killed a storm dragon skeleton 11471 | Vaults:7 | Noticed a yaktaur captain 11477 | Vaults:7 | Killed a yaktaur captain 11481 | Vaults:7 | Noticed a frost giant 11488 | Vaults:7 | Killed a frost giant 11514 | Vaults:7 | Reached XP level 14. HP: 79/85 MP: 29/31 11595 | Vaults:7 | Reached skill level 10 in Spellcasting 11603 | Vaults:7 | Noticed a yaktaur captain 11610 | Vaults:7 | Killed a yaktaur captain 11618 | Vaults:7 | Upgraded the game from 0.11-b1-94-g6884582 to 0.11-b1-95-g6a8b81e 11651 | Vaults:7 | Learned a level 2 spell: Repel Missiles 11701 | Vaults:7 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 11701 | Vaults:7 | Reached skill level 19 in Summonings 11701 | Vaults:7 | Reached skill level 5 in Translocations 11702 | Vaults:7 | Got an engraved book {god gift} 11703 | Vaults:7 | Identified Sif Muna's Incunabulum of Translocation {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 7 of the Vaults) 11708 | Vaults:8 | Entered Level 8 of the Vaults 11715 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 11734 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a shadow dragon 11745 | Vaults:8 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 63/90 MP: 10/32 11747 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 11789 | Vaults:8 | Killed a shadow dragon 11869 | Vaults:8 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 11870 | Vaults:8 | Got a graven book {god gift} 11871 | Vaults:8 | Identified Sif Muna's Guide on the Voyage {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 8 of the Vaults) 11947 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 11952 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 11958 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 11965 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 11965 | Vaults:8 | Reached skill level 20 in Summonings 11973 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 11985 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12008 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12016 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12095 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a frost giant 12099 | Vaults:8 | Killed a frost giant 12099 | Vaults:8 | Reached skill level 1 in Traps & Doors 12103 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a frost giant 12109 | Vaults:8 | Killed a frost giant 12133 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a storm dragon 12136 | Vaults:8 | Killed a storm dragon 12136 | Vaults:8 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 12137 | Vaults:8 | Got a graven book {god gift} 12138 | Vaults:8 | Identified Qatep's Disquisition on Orientation {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 8 of the Vaults) 12138 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12164 | Vaults:8 | Got a silver rune of Zot 12230 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a titan 12239 | Vaults:8 | Killed a titan 12244 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a Hell Sentinel 12245 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a lich 12252 | Vaults:8 | Killed a lich 12265 | Vaults:8 | Killed a Hell Sentinel 12285 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12292 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12327 | Vaults:8 | Got a shimmering brass ring 12353 | Vaults:8 | Got a heavy robe 12357 | Vaults:8 | Identified the cursed +0 robe of Brilliance (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults) 12397 | Vaults:8 | Reached skill level 5 in Invocations 12405 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12414 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12414 | Vaults:8 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 94/96 MP: 27/33 12431 | Vaults:8 | Identified the ring of Xishrun (You took it off an orc wizard on level 8 of the Vaults) 12445 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a shadow dragon 12446 | Vaults:8 | Found Doimij's Distillery. 12447 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12448 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12460 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a bone dragon 12460 | Vaults:8 | Noticed an ancient lich 12460 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12461 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12468 | Vaults:8 | Killed a shadow dragon 12534 | Vaults:8 | Reached skill level 1 in Fighting 12534 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12538 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12543 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12545 | Vaults:8 | Killed a bone dragon 12547 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a shadow dragon 12550 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12552 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12559 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a shadow dragon 12560 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12572 | Vaults:8 | Killed a shadow dragon 12579 | Vaults:8 | Killed a shadow dragon 12582 | Vaults:8 | Killed an ancient lich 12586 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12596 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12604 | Vaults:8 | Found Fuffiogo's Magic Scroll Shoppe. 12607 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a frost giant 12613 | Vaults:8 | Killed a frost giant 12617 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12619 | Vaults:8 | Noticed Boris 12623 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12630 | Vaults:8 | Killed Boris 12647 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12651 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12661 | Vaults:8 | Found Goinuev's Magic Scroll Emporium. 12665 | Vaults:8 | Bought a scroll of blinking for 99 gold pieces 12699 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a shadow dragon 12710 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12716 | Vaults:8 | Got a graven book 12718 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12718 | Vaults:8 | Identified Siext's Foundations of Thaumaturgy (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults) 12730 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12730 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12736 | Vaults:8 | Killed a shadow dragon 12741 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12750 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a shadow dragon 12760 | Vaults:8 | Killed a shadow dragon 12760 | Vaults:8 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 12761 | Vaults:8 | Got an inconspicuous book {god gift} 12762 | Vaults:8 | Identified Sif Muna's Volume of Spatial Conjuration {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 8 of the Vaults) 12769 | Vaults:8 | Noticed a stone giant 12778 | Vaults:8 | Killed a stone giant 12786 | Vaults:8 | Got a distressingly furry cloak 12792 | Vaults:8 | Reached skill level 21 in Summonings 12824 | Vaults:8 | Got a wavering lead ring 12825 | Vaults:8 | Identified the ring "Tremiyn" (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults) 12861 | Vaults:8 | Identified the +1 cloak of the Hidden Beggars (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults) 12986 | Vaults:3 | Killed blankname's ghost 13062 | Vaults:2 | Found a magical portal. 13194 | Vaults:2 | Found a staircase to the Crypt. 13204 | Vaults:1 | Found Thecs' Magical Wand Shoppe. 13407 | Shoals:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Shoals 13439 | Shoals:1 | Got a glittering brass amulet 13440 | Shoals:1 | Identified the amulet "Grei" (You found it on level 1 of the Shoals) 13477 | Shoals:2 | Noticed Polyphemus 13490 | Shoals:2 | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting 13497 | Shoals:2 | Noticed Norris 13499 | Shoals:2 | Killed Polyphemus 13502 | Shoals:2 | Killed Norris 13502 | Shoals:2 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 84/112 MP: 28/33 13536 | Shoals:3 | Noticed Saint Roka 13544 | Shoals:3 | Killed Saint Roka 13586 | Shoals:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Shoals 13608 | Shoals:5 | Found Uwar's Magical Wand Emporium. 13640 | Shoals:5 | Noticed a kraken 13652 | Shoals:5 | Killed a kraken 13859 | Shoals:5 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 13867 | Shoals:5 | Got a rare book {god gift} 13869 | Shoals:5 | Identified Sif Muna's Collected Works on Evil {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 5 of the Shoals) 13922 | Shoals:5 | Got a barnacled rune of Zot 14086 | Spider:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Spider Nest 14226 | Spider:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Spider Nest 14424 | Spider:5 | Got a gossamer rune of Zot 14911 | D:15 | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon 14963 | D:16 | Got an ancient war axe 15013 | D:17 | Got a warped robe 15062 | D:18 | Identified the cursed -1 robe of Folly (You found it on level 17 of the Dungeon) 15065 | D:18 | Reached skill level 10 in Translocations 15109 | D:19 | Found Sifoug's Antique Armour Emporium. 15120 | D:19 | Noticed Kirke 15128 | D:19 | Bought a glowing shield for 144 gold pieces 15128 | D:19 | Killed Kirke 15154 | D:20 | Entered Level 20 of the Dungeon 15193 | D:20 | Identified the cursed war axe of Breach {freeze, Str+3} (You found it on level 16 of the Dungeon) 15277 | D:20 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 15278 | D:20 | Got a rare book {god gift} 15279 | D:20 | Identified Sif Muna's Guide on Lucky Evil Magic {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 20 of the Dungeon) 15414 | D:24 | Noticed a sphinx 15417 | D:24 | Killed a sphinx 15429 | D:25 | Entered Level 25 of the Dungeon 15471 | D:25 | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss. 15475 | D:25 | Noticed a tentacled monstrosity 15479 | D:25 | Killed a tentacled monstrosity 15559 | D:25 | Found a gateway to Hell. 15574 | Hell | Entered the Vestibule of Hell 15574 | Hell | Noticed Geryon 15590 | Hell | Killed Geryon 15590 | Hell | Reached XP level 18. HP: 118/120 MP: 21/34 15641 | Hell | Found a gateway to the freezing wastes of Cocytus. 15651 | Coc:1 | Entered Level 1 of Cocytus 15651 | Coc:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 15676 | Coc:1 | You fall through a shaft! 15718 | Coc:2 | Found a gateway to Hell. 15757 | Coc:3 | Found a gateway to Hell. 15764 | Coc:3 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 15768 | Coc:3 | Killed an Ice Fiend 15797 | Coc:4 | Found a gateway to Hell. 15801 | Coc:4 | Found a gateway to Hell. 15805 | Coc:4 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 15809 | Coc:4 | Killed an Ice Fiend 15848 | Coc:5 | Found a gateway to Hell. 15905 | Coc:5 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 15909 | Coc:5 | Killed an Ice Fiend 15971 | Coc:6 | Found a gateway to Hell. 16160 | Coc:7 | Entered Level 7 of Cocytus 16160 | Coc:7 | Found a gateway to Hell. 16160 | Coc:7 | Found a gateway to Hell. 16160 | Coc:7 | Found a gateway to Hell. 16219 | Coc:7 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 16223 | Coc:7 | Killed an Ice Fiend 16226 | Coc:7 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 16234 | Coc:7 | Killed an Ice Fiend 16250 | Coc:7 | Killed an Ice Fiend 16256 | Coc:7 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 16260 | Coc:7 | Killed an Ice Fiend 16269 | Coc:7 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 16269 | Coc:7 | Noticed Antaeus 16269 | Coc:7 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 16269 | Coc:7 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 16271 | Coc:7 | Noticed an Ice Fiend 16273 | Coc:7 | Killed an Ice Fiend 16274 | Coc:7 | Got an icy rune of Zot 16361 | Hell | Learned a level 7 spell: Controlled Blink 16365 | Hell | Found a gateway to the decaying netherworld of Tartarus. 16373 | Tar:1 | Entered Level 1 of Tartarus 16373 | Tar:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 16441 | Tar:1 | Paralysed by the effects of Hell for 4 turns 16556 | Tar:2 | Found a gateway to Hell. 16598 | Tar:3 | Found a gateway to Hell. 16628 | Tar:4 | Found a gateway to Hell. 16651 | Tar:4 | Noticed a lich 16661 | Tar:4 | Killed a lich 16664 | Tar:4 | Found a gateway to Hell. 16828 | Tar:4 | Noticed an eldritch tentacle 16832 | Tar:4 | Killed an eldritch tentacle 16848 | Tar:5 | Found a gateway to Hell. 16848 | Tar:5 | Noticed a lich 16851 | Tar:5 | Killed a lich 17004 | Tar:5 | Found a gateway to Hell. 17051 | Tar:5 | Found a gateway to Hell. 17123 | Tar:5 | Paralysed by the effects of Hell for 3 turns 17128 | Tar:5 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 17129 | Tar:5 | Got an engraved book {god gift} 17130 | Tar:5 | Identified Sif Muna's Disquisition on Icy Aid {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 5 of Tartarus) 17173 | Tar:6 | Found a gateway to Hell. 17281 | Tar:6 | Found a gateway to Hell. 17291 | Tar:7 | Entered Level 7 of Tartarus 17291 | Tar:7 | Found a gateway to Hell. 17370 | Tar:7 | Found a gateway to Hell. 17547 | Tar:7 | Noticed a shadow dragon 17559 | Tar:7 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 127/132 MP: 24/35 17561 | Tar:7 | Killed a shadow dragon 17938 | Tar:7 | Noticed the Serpent of Hell 17945 | Tar:7 | Killed the Serpent of Hell 17959 | Tar:7 | Noticed Ereshkigal 17971 | Tar:7 | Killed Ereshkigal 18009 | Tar:7 | Got a bone rune of Zot 18032 | Tar:7 | Noticed a shadow dragon 18042 | Tar:7 | Killed a shadow dragon 18233 | Hell | Found a gateway to the Iron City of Dis. 18241 | Dis:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Iron City of Dis 18241 | Dis:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 18339 | Dis:2 | Found a gateway to Hell. 18343 | Dis:2 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 18345 | Dis:2 | Got a conspicuous book {god gift} 18346 | Dis:2 | Identified Smaulior's Papyrus of Helpful Enchantment {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 2 of the Iron City of Dis) 18397 | Dis:2 | Found a gateway to Hell. 18425 | Dis:2 | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting 18430 | Dis:2 | Found a gateway to Hell. 18456 | Dis:3 | Found a gateway to Hell. 18535 | Dis:3 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 18537 | Dis:3 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 18689 | Dis:4 | Found a gateway to Hell. 18935 | Dis:4 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 98/143 MP: 10/36 18950 | Dis:5 | Found a gateway to Hell. 18991 | Dis:5 | Found a gateway to Hell. 19021 | Dis:6 | Found a gateway to Hell. 19055 | Dis:7 | Entered Level 7 of the Iron City of Dis 19085 | Dis:7 | Found a gateway to Hell. 19137 | Dis:7 | Noticed a Hell Sentinel 19225 | Dis:7 | Killed a Hell Sentinel 19273 | Dis:7 | Noticed a Hell Sentinel 19294 | Dis:7 | Killed a Hell Sentinel 19327 | Dis:7 | Reached skill level 10 in Invocations 19342 | Dis:7 | Noticed a Hell Sentinel 19343 | Dis:7 | Noticed a Hell Sentinel 19359 | Dis:7 | Killed a Hell Sentinel 19359 | Dis:7 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 19360 | Dis:7 | Got a sparkling book {god gift} 19361 | Dis:7 | Identified Sif Muna's Incunabulum of Torrid Protection {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 7 of the Iron City of Dis) 19364 | Dis:7 | Killed a Hell Sentinel 19412 | Dis:7 | Noticed a Hell Sentinel 19442 | Dis:7 | Killed a Hell Sentinel 19442 | Dis:7 | Reached skill level 15 in Translocations 19499 | Dis:7 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 19503 | Dis:7 | Noticed Dispater 19514 | Dis:7 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 19641 | Dis:7 | Killed Dispater 19674 | Dis:7 | Got an iron rune of Zot 19786 | Dis:7 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 19843 | Hell | Learned a level 3 spell: Flight 19844 | Hell | Found a gateway to the ashen valley of Gehenna. 19864 | Geh:1 | Entered Level 1 of Gehenna 19864 | Geh:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 19879 | Geh:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Charms 19881 | Geh:1 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 19883 | Geh:1 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 19901 | Geh:1 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 19906 | Geh:1 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 19920 | Geh:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 19934 | Geh:1 | Found a gateway to Hell. 19972 | Geh:2 | Found a gateway to Hell. 19975 | Geh:3 | Found a gateway to Hell. 19998 | Geh:4 | Found a gateway to Hell. 20029 | Geh:5 | Found a gateway to Hell. 20063 | Geh:5 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 20066 | Geh:5 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 20116 | Geh:5 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 20126 | Geh:5 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 20294 | Geh:6 | Found a gateway to Hell. 20409 | Geh:7 | Entered Level 7 of Gehenna 20409 | Geh:7 | Found a gateway to Hell. 20421 | Geh:7 | Found a gateway to Hell. 20445 | Geh:7 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 20446 | Geh:7 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 20645 | Geh:7 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 20649 | Geh:7 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 20705 | Geh:7 | Noticed Asmodeus 20709 | Geh:7 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 20724 | Geh:7 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 20728 | Geh:7 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 20728 | Geh:7 | Reached XP level 21. HP: 122/150 MP: 11/36 20730 | Geh:7 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 20785 | Geh:7 | Killed Asmodeus 20785 | Geh:7 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 20795 | Geh:7 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 20796 | Geh:7 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 20842 | Geh:7 | Got a crude leather armour 20842 | Geh:7 | Got a crude turquoise ring 20842 | Geh:7 | Got an inconspicuous book 20843 | Geh:7 | Identified the Grimoire of Supportive Darkness (You found it on level 7 of Gehenna) 20849 | Geh:7 | Got an obsidian rune of Zot 20908 | Geh:7 | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 20910 | Geh:7 | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 20910 | Geh:7 | Reached skill level 5 in Charms 21098 | D:27 | Entered Level 27 of the Dungeon 21207 | D:27 | Noticed a lich 21210 | D:27 | Killed a lich 21284 | D:27 | Noticed a golden dragon 21294 | D:27 | Killed a golden dragon 21305 | D:27 | Reached skill level 22 in Summonings 21480 | D:24 | Tolias: yo 21482 | D:24 | Sapher: searching for pan entrance... 21482 | D:24 | Sapher: hell done 21488 | D:24 | Tolias: rly? 21489 | D:24 | Tolias: nice 21592 | D:24 | Tolias: no staff of summoning? 21592 | D:24 | Identified the -2 leather armour of Distant Shores (You found it on level 7 of Gehenna) 21596 | D:24 | Sapher: i have... 21596 | D:24 | Sapher: just for relec 21596 | D:24 | Sapher: need to change though) 21679 | D:24 | Sapher: by the way, no ctele 21679 | D:24 | Sapher: and no dig T_T 21692 | D:23 | Tolias: not even ctele spell? 21694 | D:24 | Sapher: no 21706 | D:24 | Tolias: have you lvled transloc? 21742 | D:24 | Tolias: wow sif is a cunt :d 21763 | D:24 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. 21771 | D:24 | Sapher: ok.. 21771 | D:24 | Sapher: by the way it was so stupid when i went to slimes and found out i have no ctele or dig 21771 | D:24 | Sapher: still havnt done it 21775 | D:24 | Learned a level 2 spell: Swiftness 21777 | Pan | Entered Pandemonium 21783 | Pan | Sapher: and no regen ring 21783 | Pan | Sapher: or troll hide 21792 | Pan | Identified the ring "Teijoum" (You found it on level 7 of Gehenna) 21793 | Pan | Sapher: oh, can summon dragon now 21798 | Pan | Sapher: hmm 21815 | Pan | Learned a level 9 spell: Summon Dragon 21878 | Pan | Sapher: ok...boss)) 21878 | Pan | Sapher: break 22049 | Pan | Received a gift from Sif Muna 22050 | Pan | Got an engraved book {god gift} 22051 | Pan | Identified Sif Muna's Volume of Buffs {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you in Pandemonium) 22057 | Pan | Learned a level 4 spell: Control Teleport 22109 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 22141 | Pan | Noticed Gyladeiw the pandemonium lord 22156 | Pan | Killed Gyladeiw the pandemonium lord 22162 | Pan | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 22236 | Pan | Got a topaz-encrusted fire dragon armour 22260 | Pan | Identified the -3 fire dragon armour of the Boiling Point (You found it in Pandemonium) 22418 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 22423 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 22688 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 22728 | Pan | Noticed Xogaoppi the pandemonium lord 22747 | Pan | Killed Xogaoppi the pandemonium lord 22825 | Pan | Got a demonic rune of Zot 22829 | Pan | Got a wavering bone ring 22835 | Pan | Identified the ring of Beauty (You found it in Pandemonium) 23026 | Pan | Received a gift from Sif Muna 23026 | Pan | Reached XP level 22. HP: 135/157 MP: 32/38 23027 | Pan | Got a rare book {god gift} 23028 | Pan | Identified Sif Muna's Incunabulum of Scorching Enchantment {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you in Pandemonium) 23180 | Pan | Found a white marble altar of Elyvilon. 23215 | Pan | Noticed a pearl dragon 23235 | Pan | Killed a pearl dragon 23412 | Pan | Noticed Konwuxt the pandemonium lord 23429 | Pan | Killed Konwuxt the pandemonium lord 23535 | Pan | Entered the realm of Mnoleg. 23829 | Pan | Noticed Mnoleg 23879 | Pan | Killed Mnoleg 23903 | Pan | Got a glowing rune of Zot 24134 | Pan | Entered the realm of Gloorx Vloq. 24219 | Pan | Noticed Gloorx Vloq 24222 | Pan | Received a gift from Sif Muna 24229 | Pan | Killed Gloorx Vloq 24237 | Pan | Learned a level 6 spell: Haste 24238 | Pan | Got an antique book {god gift} 24239 | Pan | Identified Geuj's Handbook of Air {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you in Pandemonium) 24280 | Pan | Got a dark rune of Zot 24450 | Pan | Entered the realm of Lom Lobon. 24750 | Pan | Noticed Lom Lobon 24760 | Pan | Killed Lom Lobon 24767 | Pan | Got a magical rune of Zot 24939 | Pan | Entered the realm of Cerebov. 25148 | Pan | Reached XP level 23. HP: 146/164 MP: 41/41 25153 | Pan | Received a gift from Sif Muna 25158 | Pan | Noticed Cerebov 25305 | Pan | Killed Cerebov 25381 | Pan | Noticed a Brimstone Fiend 25386 | Pan | Got a fiery rune of Zot 25388 | Pan | Killed a Brimstone Fiend 25740 | Pan | Noticed Ojiege the pandemonium lord 25751 | Pan | Killed Ojiege the pandemonium lord 25957 | Pan | Found an exit through the horrors of the Abyss. 25965 | Pan | Took an exit into the Abyss. 25965 | Abyss | Escaped into the Abyss. 26074 | Abyss | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 26074 | Abyss | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 26319 | Abyss | Noticed a lich 26320 | Abyss | bmfx: last rune? 26320 | Abyss | Sapher: no 26320 | Abyss | Sapher: need 3 more 26320 | Abyss | Sapher: this, tomb, slimes 26331 | Abyss | Killed a lich 26615 | Abyss | Sapher: abyss hates me 26615 | Abyss | Sapher: i was hoping this time it will be fast 27056 | Abyss | Noticed an ancient lich 27172 | Abyss | Noticed a profane servitor 27182 | Abyss | Received a gift from Sif Muna 27235 | Abyss | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 27353 | Abyss | Reached skill level 15 in Spellcasting 27375 | Abyss | bmfx: 2 giants - possibly a vault 27375 | Abyss | Sapher: yea, i hope 27375 | Abyss | bmfx: they are pretty rare otherwise 27419 | Abyss | bmfx: :/ 27419 | Abyss | Sapher: yea...my luck is horrible 27728 | Abyss | Learned a level 4 spell: Dig 27979 | Abyss | Sapher: like 5th exit 28126 | Abyss | Sapher: vault? 28131 | Abyss | Reached skill level 10 in Charms 28139 | Abyss | Sapher: i huess no 28186 | Abyss | Sapher: 8th exit 28340 | Abyss | Sapher: 2k turns for nothing is not a limit... 28459 | Abyss | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 28633 | Abyss | bmfx: damn, abyss ruins such a good run for you :( 28686 | Abyss | Sapher: i am on tilt 28706 | Abyss | Sapher: hellion is vault? 28706 | Abyss | bmfx: idk 28706 | Abyss | Sapher: or just run awa.. 28707 | Abyss | bmfx: not necessarily 28740 | Abyss | Reached skill level 23 in Summonings 28769 | Abyss | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh. 28808 | Abyss | Sapher: i am sure i wont find any exits after i find rune 28831 | Abyss | bmfx: yeah, happened to me, that exact scenario. lots of exits before rune, none after finding it 28877 | Abyss | Received a gift from Sif Muna 29236 | Abyss | Sapher: exit, how nice 29288 | Abyss | bmfx: finally 29289 | Abyss | Sapher: sure that is rune vault not exit? 29293 | Abyss | bmfx: well... every time i had this vault it was rune vault 29298 | Abyss | bmfx: but 4 or 5 times is not enough to state it's 100% rune 29309 | Abyss | bmfx: oh, and ettins often have disto weapons here, so be careful 29312 | Abyss | bmfx: they can't banish you, of course 29312 | Abyss | bmfx: but damage spike can kill you 29365 | Abyss | Got an abyssal rune of Zot 29367 | Abyss | Sapher: ok, not it can change shape 29368 | Abyss | Sapher: ololo 29368 | Abyss | bmfx: you took it? 29368 | Abyss | Sapher: yea 29368 | Abyss | bmfx: huh 29368 | Abyss | bmfx: relief 29368 | Abyss | Sapher: nut it aws like 2 turns later 29368 | Abyss | Sapher: *but 29368 | Abyss | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 29394 | Abyss | Sapher: that thing is strong... 29402 | Abyss | bmfx: yeah, omniresistant, spikes, and hella damage 29408 | Abyss | Reached XP level 24. HP: 99/171 MP: 21/42 29409 | Abyss | bmfx: i don't know how melee deal with it 29409 | Abyss | Sapher: wow 29409 | Abyss | Sapher: suddenly 29417 | D:24 | Escaped the Abyss. 29417 | D:24 | bmfx: grats 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: hehe 29418 | D:24 | bmfx: that was a pleasant surprise 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: slimes is very wasy 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: easy 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: and tomb...hmm...ok 29418 | D:24 | bmfx: yeah, summoners make short work of trj 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: now break 29418 | D:24 | bmfx: still can't cast dragons? 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: can 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: just xxx is faster 29418 | D:24 | bmfx: then tomb should be no problem too 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: in terms of turns 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: a hve wiz ring for dragons 29418 | D:24 | bmfx: H is very nice! 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: yea 29418 | D:24 | bmfx: literally mummy's choice 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: well i have rf 29418 | D:24 | Sapher: that will be for zot5 probably 29625 | D:13 | Found a portal to a secret trove of treasure. 29625 | D:13 | Noticed an eight-headed hydra 29632 | D:13 | Killed an eight-headed hydra 29869 | Slime:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Pits of Slime 29889 | Slime:3 | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 2 turns 29899 | Slime:3 | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 4 turns 29905 | Slime:3 | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 3 turns 29930 | Slime:3 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 30012 | Slime:6 | Entered Level 6 of the Pits of Slime 30096 | Slime:6 | Noticed the royal jelly 30149 | Slime:6 | Killed the royal jelly 30158 | Slime:6 | Sapher: wtf 30158 | Slime:6 | Sapher: how did it get there 30158 | Slime:6 | bmfx: actually happens all the time 30165 | Slime:6 | Got a wavering iron ring 30176 | Slime:6 | bmfx: btw, despite horrible abyss run, still a very good turn count. probably not good enough to challenge hyperbolic and elliptic, but poncheis' musu score and bart's cdo highscore will be left behind for sure 30180 | Slime:6 | Got a slimy rune of Zot 30181 | Slime:6 | Sapher: what is their turn count? 30181 | Slime:6 | Sapher: i have to to tomb... 30181 | Slime:6 | bmfx: about 35k for 15 runes and 31k for 14 30181 | Slime:6 | Sapher: 35k is possible 30181 | Slime:6 | Sapher: it looks like 33k 30181 | Slime:6 | bmfx: that's for hyperbolic and elliptic. musu hs is 47k, bart's best around 43k 30185 | Slime:6 | bmfx: i hope you can beat them all, i like your style 30192 | Slime:6 | Sapher: thx) 30192 | Slime:6 | bmfx: you actually think before you move 30202 | Slime:6 | bmfx: and that's hard to do for 30k+ turns 30236 | Slime:2 | Sapher: can cblink to stairs.... 30236 | Slime:2 | Sapher: but scared of 1th foor 30253 | Slime:1 | Sapher: may be i have a ring of tele ? )) 30293 | Slime:1 | bmfx: time for cblink? 30293 | Slime:1 | Sapher: yea 30522 | Crypt:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt 30523 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: hate silence 30552 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: time for dragons i guess 30579 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: well...bad idea... 30579 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: i'll let you to judge. i don't like xxx (int drain sucks), my favourites are SGD and dragons. i would switch to dragons a long time ago :) 30579 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: i wont be able to recall 30579 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: it is obly because in tomb stairs close to walls 30579 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: so i can take 2-3 creatures with me 30579 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: and dragons are better 30579 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: hm. i'd try random tele to get out of this 1-tile corridor 30579 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: then gather some summons and assault the entrance 30579 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: yea....i planned to get there...but silence... 30579 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: now i dont know... 30579 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: still can evoke haste probably 30579 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: wands will work, that's granted 30584 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: bad plan anyway 30588 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: i would do another tele 30589 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: ok 30595 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: you really need to get out of silence field and regroup 30595 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: yea 30595 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: can i make it random now?)) 30595 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: if just press unknow area 30595 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: put it inside the wall/unknown. it's chance based, though 30596 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: :( 30596 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: wow how accurate 30614 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: it seems crawl wants you to kill that specter 30633 | Crypt:1 | Sapher: no)) 30633 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: ^) 30635 | Crypt:1 | bmfx: :) 30643 | Crypt:2 | Sapher: bad luck...it is on 3rd 30653 | Crypt:2 | bmfx: at least you know where the stairs are 30688 | Crypt:3 | Sapher: i like my resists 30688 | Crypt:3 | bmfx: heh, nice resists! 30782 | Crypt:3 | Found a staircase to the Tomb. 30787 | Crypt:3 | Sapher: hmm 30787 | Crypt:3 | Sapher: so many dranogs 30787 | Crypt:3 | Sapher: and i will lose them... 30792 | Crypt:3 | bmfx: that's not many, trust me 30799 | Tomb:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Tomb of the Ancients 30799 | Tomb:1 | Noticed Agnes 30800 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: many is when 14 of my dragons assault gloorx and kill him in 2 turns 30802 | Tomb:1 | Killed Agnes 30807 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: or when i summon 22 dragons on entry to cerebov's castle 30807 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: and then only see his sword 30807 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: ^_^ 30825 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: i love to overpower >.> 30856 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: 1 tele is funny 30856 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: need recharche scroll)) 30869 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: you did pan a long time ago, and that's a best source of recharhe scrolls :( 30873 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: the* 30928 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 30937 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 30943 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 30943 | Tomb:1 | Noticed Mennas 30944 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: the guys on irc watch their fellow storm the lair entrance :( how ignorant, here's score breaking run and they don't even care 30944 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: hello mennas 30944 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: wow 30948 | Tomb:1 | Killed Mennas 30958 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: the worst i had was tomb boris 30958 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: where are the scrolls?)) 30958 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: i also had a run with tomb "greater-mummy-unique-whats-his-name", but i only noticed him in log after game %) 30962 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 30963 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: there will be some scrolls on tomb3, for sure. curse armour, curse weapon, and if you're really lucky - curse jewellry :P 30963 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: there is somewhere here 30963 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: dont get where 30963 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: let dragons move 30963 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: then look for it 30966 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: that's the worst part of being summoner 30991 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: also, there's keybinding to show floor w/o mobs. but it probably hides loot too 31011 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a greater mummy 31012 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a greater mummy 31013 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a greater mummy 31013 | Tomb:2 | Noticed a greater mummy 31043 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: wow 31046 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: uh, was afk. why so low hp? 31047 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: they were waiting for me downstairs 31047 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: i have no AC or EV... 31047 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: not sure how to do it faster... 31047 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: there is no 2nd entrance, right? 31047 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: i'd say it's bad time to try "fast-but-risky-things" 31047 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: take it slow and steady 31047 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: 50 or 100 extra turns is nothing at this stage 31047 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: no 2nd entrance, right 31047 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: need to learn smth for defence 31047 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: phase shift prbably 31047 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: maybe you can abjure some of the attackers. there's too many to be all non-summoned 31054 | Tomb:1 | Learned a level 5 spell: Phase Shift 31058 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: low regen hurts 31065 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: yeah, hp management is all mummy is about. hard to regen, hard to heal 31098 | Tomb:2 | Killed a greater mummy 31102 | Tomb:2 | bmfx: careful: they can abjure too 31102 | Tomb:2 | Killed a greater mummy 31105 | Tomb:2 | Killed a greater mummy 31113 | Tomb:2 | Killed a greater mummy 31120 | Tomb:2 | bmfx: excellent! 31122 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: ok..hardest part 31173 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: i am scared of traps 31173 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: of tele traps 31178 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: fly solves everything but tele and zot 31185 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31191 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31227 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31229 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31232 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31238 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31238 | Tomb:1 | Reached XP level 25. HP: 156/177 MP: 32/43 31242 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31246 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: armour is not worth it imo. not at mummy's apt and gear 31247 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: yea...just 2-3 lvls 31251 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31269 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31275 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31275 | Tomb:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Armour 31277 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: Bart the Anemomancer (L27 HaWz), worshipper of Vehumet, blasted by a Pit Fiend (blast of hellfire) on Dis:7 31277 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: wow 31311 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31319 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31327 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: oh 31327 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: too bad... 31344 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31352 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: he wasn't planning extended initially. probably should've stick to that plan 31356 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31360 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: it wasn't even a speedrun 31386 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31388 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31396 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31402 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31405 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31410 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31439 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31444 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31446 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31451 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31451 | Tomb:1 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 31483 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31493 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31516 | Tomb:1 | Noticed a greater mummy 31519 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: hmmm... i wanted to comment on irc discussion of bart's death, but i'm not fluent enough in english to exress myself :/ 31519 | Tomb:1 | Sapher: yea...my english is not so good either 31521 | Tomb:1 | Killed a greater mummy 31551 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: left right?) 31561 | Tomb:2 | bmfx: i'm always wrong. choose yourself 31611 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: so....33k looks less posible now)) 31611 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: more like 35k...^_^] 31611 | Tomb:2 | bmfx: 35 is still within a reach 31611 | Tomb:2 | bmfx: yeah 31626 | Tomb:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients 31636 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: curse-summons are abjurable 31637 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: yea...but no mana 31637 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: if reaper poses a threat, send him back 31638 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: well, that's a general advice :) 31671 | Tomb:3 | Reached skill level 24 in Summonings 31671 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: i've seen Arra used the strategy "forget lich-learn ddoor-cblink-ddoor-cblink-apport rune-cblink away-relearn lich" twice. never got the guts to do it myself, though %) 31673 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 31674 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 31680 | Tomb:3 | Killed a greater mummy 31681 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 31682 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 31682 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 31684 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 31685 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: ugh. abjure storm :( 31685 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: time to go home? 31685 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: yeah 31697 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: oh 31739 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: bad... 31739 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: should have use tele probbly 31739 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: looks like every one is here 31739 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: that can go either way. can solve most your problems, can kill you too 31740 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: but if you land within rune sight, it's a win :) 31747 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: looks they are last ones 31747 | Tomb:3 | Killed a greater mummy 31748 | Tomb:3 | Killed a greater mummy 31752 | Tomb:2 | Killed a greater mummy 31778 | Tomb:3 | Killed a greater mummy 31784 | Tomb:3 | Killed a greater mummy 31791 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: that's probably it 31807 | Tomb:3 | Noticed a greater mummy 31809 | Tomb:3 | Got a golden rune of Zot 31810 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: hmm...may be check treasure? 31810 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: or waste of turns... 31810 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: you have perfect resistance 31810 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: for recharging 31810 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: no need for loot imo 31810 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: ah 31810 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: hmm.. 31810 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: well, chances are slim 31811 | Tomb:3 | Sapher: 5 healings....will be it be enough... 31816 | Tomb:3 | Killed a greater mummy 31816 | Tomb:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Invocations 31822 | Tomb:3 | bmfx: i don't want to press on you. if you think you need it, check it. it's 100 turns at most 31841 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: hehe 31841 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: amulet helped 31841 | Tomb:2 | bmfx: stasis? 31841 | Tomb:2 | Sapher: like 31845 | Tomb:2 | bmfx: actually, put up ctele and use that trap :) 31849 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: oh, you already did :) 31850 | Tomb:1 | bmfx: i'm such a slowpoke 31851 | Tomb:1 | Identified the ring "Threshregu" {Dex+3} (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime) 31948 | Vaults:1 | Sapher: hmm 31948 | Vaults:1 | Sapher: wand!))) 31948 | Vaults:1 | Sapher: may be i need smth...hmm... 31948 | Vaults:1 | bmfx: i'd say: look it up. 20 turns is nothing 31948 | Vaults:1 | Sapher: well, tele wont work in orb run... 31948 | Vaults:1 | bmfx: cblink to save turns 31948 | Vaults:1 | bmfx: tele works. btw 31948 | Vaults:1 | Sapher: yea i better check 31948 | Vaults:1 | bmfx: it is delayed 31948 | Vaults:1 | bmfx: but works 31948 | Vaults:1 | Sapher: i mean i cant control it 31948 | Vaults:1 | Sapher: so no use 31953 | D:14 | Sapher: ok...need a break before Zot 31953 | D:14 | bmfx: it is useful because spawns are only spawned next to you. random tele is likely to put you to clean area or next to ordinary mobs 31953 | D:14 | Sapher: by the way 34k is real 31953 | D:14 | bmfx: ok. have a rest :) 32282 | Zot:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot 32524 | Zot:2 | Noticed a golden dragon 32536 | Zot:2 | Killed a golden dragon 32696 | Zot:2 | Noticed a Killer Klown 32696 | Zot:2 | Noticed an ancient lich 32722 | Zot:2 | Killed an ancient lich 32722 | Zot:2 | Reached XP level 26. HP: 188/191 MP: 37/43 32735 | Zot:2 | Killed a Killer Klown 32813 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: hey 32816 | Zot:3 | Sapher: hi 32852 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: quite impressive turn count :D,whats gold turns 32859 | Zot:3 | Sapher: almost same 32859 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: oh,good 32859 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: yea 32863 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: how did hells go? 32899 | Zot:3 | Sapher: easy)) 32899 | Zot:3 | Sapher: there was xxx, not dragons 32899 | Zot:3 | Sapher: but still ok 32906 | Zot:3 | Noticed a Killer Klown 32912 | Zot:3 | Killed a Killer Klown 32915 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: cool,my last mummy burned to death in gehenna(hellfires) 32930 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: but i had no wand of healing so 32956 | Zot:3 | Noticed a golden dragon 32963 | Zot:3 | Killed a golden dragon 33000 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: wow,can you do it before 35k? 33000 | Zot:3 | Sapher: i have nice resists 33000 | Zot:3 | Sapher: may be 33013 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: i guess your lukcy with equipment 33026 | Zot:3 | Sapher: where it is... 33026 | Zot:3 | Sapher: so lame 33041 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: how many turns in abyss? 33092 | Zot:3 | Noticed a golden dragon 33096 | Zot:3 | Killed a golden dragon 33099 | Zot:3 | Sapher: unbelieveble 33099 | Zot:3 | Sapher: many 33099 | Zot:3 | Sapher: like 2.5k 33099 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: ouch 33186 | Zot:4 | Received a gift from Sif Muna 33290 | Zot:4 | Noticed a golden dragon 33303 | Zot:4 | Killed a golden dragon 33338 | Zot:4 | Noticed a golden dragon 33343 | Zot:4 | Killed a golden dragon 33404 | Zot:4 | Noticed a golden dragon 33409 | Zot:4 | Killed a golden dragon 33436 | Zot:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot 33502 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 33508 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 33509 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 33524 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 33560 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 33560 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 33568 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 33570 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 33574 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 33583 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 33614 | Zot:5 | Noticed an ancient lich 33616 | Zot:5 | Noticed an orb of fire 33617 | Zot:5 | Noticed a Killer Klown 33621 | Zot:5 | Killed an ancient lich 33628 | Zot:5 | Killed a Killer Klown 33628 | Zot:5 | Reached XP level 27. HP: 190/204 MP: 24/44 33630 | Zot:5 | Killed an orb of fire 33718 | Zot:5 | Got the Orb of Zot 33764 | Zot:4 | 4thArraOfDagon: how many turns now 33766 | Zot:4 | 4thArraOfDagon: wow 33766 | Zot:4 | Sapher: 34.5k 33766 | Zot:4 | 4thArraOfDagon: yea 33766 | Zot:4 | Sapher: i guess it will be around 33778 | Zot:3 | 4thArraOfDagon: yea untill hyperbolic starts to play again :p 33783 | Zot:2 | Sapher: :) 33783 | Zot:2 | Sapher: i havnt won yet 33854 | Zot:2 | Sapher: that is bad... 33854 | Zot:2 | 4thArraOfDagon: dig corridor? 33854 | Zot:2 | Sapher: not sure... 33854 | Zot:2 | 4thArraOfDagon: you can outrun him 33854 | Zot:2 | 4thArraOfDagon: tell them to attack him and diground 33858 | Zot:2 | Sapher: oopss 33858 | Zot:2 | Sapher: i hopet fore semiconrolled one 33858 | Zot:2 | 4thArraOfDagon: misclicked? 33858 | Zot:2 | 4thArraOfDagon: oh 33859 | Zot:2 | Sapher: oh, it died 33859 | Zot:2 | Sapher: it ok now 34006 | D:25 | Noticed a quicksilver dragon 34008 | D:25 | Noticed a shadow dragon 34487 | D:5 | Noticed a steam dragon 34488 | D:5 | Killed a steam dragon 34498 | D:5 | Noticed a yak 34502 | D:5 | Killed a yak 34582 | D:1 | Sphara: (standing ovation) 34582 | D:1 | Tolias: ^ 34582 | D:1 | Sapher: heh 34582 | D:1 | sirdond: gratz dude 34582 | D:1 | Sapher: under 35k 34582 | D:1 | Sphara: just amazing, man! 34582 | D:1 | sirdond: impressive 34582 | D:1 | atrodo: Nice job! 34583 | D:$ | Escaped with the Orb!